Lucky, so very lucky!

If you have seen my main blog, you probably know that we have flooded. Why do I bring it up here? It is because I wanted to share how lucky I was with this project.

Our basement is out "entertainment central". Kids have majority of the toys in there and our TV and Wii live there as well. This makes it a natural place for my knitting. I can do it when kids play during the day or when Jim and I put it a movie after kids' bedtimes. So all the hats resided in a nice bag on the floor by the couch.

Or at least they did until my mother -in-law came for a visit and I was showing them off to her upstairs. Being scatterbrain as I was I never did move the bag back where it lives. And this fact serendipitously saved all the hats from destruction (and let's admit it, if they got wet, I would have cried many tears as I chucked them into trash).See, it pays to be messy LOL

I did lose some yummy yarn that was left out on the floor, but I lost none of the hats! Lucky, just so lucky and blessed, especially, since I have gotten so much help with this project, many of them would be irreplaceable.

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